“I’ve got 3,000 MySpace friends
and sofas to crash on
from here to New York
and the adventures just continue..”
– Car Wash Donations
This current assessment by Malcolm Sosa a.k.a. Mike Mancillas of Rademacher would suggest that life is good, though looking back at this past year, I’m thinking it must have been a rough ride. In February, their new drummer Eden had just joined he and bassist Greer McGettrick in time for a 6-week West Coast tour that would include 12 shows with The Airborne Toxic Event and The Henry Clay People. For Rademacher (judging by their tour diary) things got off to a shaky start, and then four of the dates ended up being rescheduled. Initial plans to be at SXSW were scrapped, but then they rejoined Airborne’s shows for Las Vegas, Pomona, and Sacramento. More big changes followed, with Eden leaving and then Malcolm and Greer parting ways. A brand new line-up, from what I can tell, was first unveiled back on April 21 at The Echo, and I’m guessing it’s this same line-up that’s featured on their new EP, Bellyflop, released last month by JAXART Records. Mind you, I could be totally wrong about some or all of this; if anyone has better information, please let me know! I’m not exactly sure who’s in the band, except for drummer Eli Reyes, who also plays in Fresno-based The Fay Wrays.
Having said all that, Rademacher has come out of this tumultuous time in remarkably good shape, as is apparent on this new release. Their music has a more basic, stripped-down sound. Musically upbeat, and with the same quirkiness and wistful, nostalgic, somewhat melancholy feel in Malcolm’s lyrics that first caught and held my attention.
“Why don’t we take it from the top
why don’t we take it from the bottom
the bottom of our hearts
we know our parts.
We know the things that we do cannot be undone
we know the things that we do can never be undone.”
– Champion In The Pool
There’s a nice range of moods in these five songs – from the spunkiness and nostalgic assessment in “Champion In The Pool”, to the optimistic enthusiasm for a fresh start in “Roll”. “Charles”, with its ’70s spy movie guitar line suggesting subterfuge and something slightly sinister; and their hazy, psychedelic, loving tribute to Fresno in the Panty Lions cover, “Herndon + 99”. They finish up with a wistful gaze back and hopeful look forward in “Car Wash Donations”. Kind of a sweet sadness that runs through this one. Nice.
Back in September, they embarked on the beginnings of a national tour, getting as far east as Chicago. Hopefully next year, they’ll make it all the way across. Looking forward to it!
Bellyflop – JAXART Records
Champion In The Pool
Herndon + 99
Car Wash Donations

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