I’m not usually in the habit of reviewing parties, but I must make an exception in this case and say a few words. It was a ridiculously cool event put on by Boston-area bloggers – Boston Band Crush, Bradley’s Almanac, Exploit Boston!, Playground Boston, Ryan’s Smashing Life, Tea Party Boston, Zed Equals Zee, and Agent Bishop Productions – and hosted by the fine folks at the extremely classy production facility The Bridge Sound and Stage (formerly home to the legendary Fort Apache Studios).
Music lovers from every corner of Boston’s diverse artistic community were in attendance – bands, club promoters, press people, photographers, studio engineers and label reps, DJs… All enjoying a day and evening-long concert at an open mic with many excellent impromptu performances, great food, and lots of beer (courtesy of Narragansett). There was a charity raffle and local music scene trivia contest with some wonderful prizes, including studio time and photo shoots for the bands, and show tickets for the bloggers (no, it wasn’t fixed, completely random, but weird how well that turned out!). All for an excellent cause as well – a local children’s music organization called Zumix.

TAB The Band

Midnight Spin
Besides being a perfect way to spend part of the Memorial Day Weekend, what a fantastic idea to bring together Boston’s music community. That we have a crazy vibrant scene here is obvious, but the support and comraderie amongst all its various participants isn’t always apparent, what with everyone racing around in their individual lives, so it’s really nice to stop, kick back, and connect with like-minded souls. Here’s to more events like this!
One more thing. In the photograph below, Sarah Miller and Justin Emile (Boston Band Crush, Big East drummer, Milky Way booker) are performing Justin’s original composition “The Message”. They sounded amazing together, and at the end of the night, were talking about forming a band. As the only one not drinking the entire day & evening, it was decided that I would make sure this came to fruition. I’m holding you to it, guys! It’s in print now, so get going.

Sarah Miller and Justin Emile
By the way, I ended up with a few CDs by the end of the evening, so some reviews are on the way.
[Mick Murray of In Your Face Photography shot some really fun video of the proceedings, which is up on the Playground Boston site – thanks!]

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