Jaggery (9pm), Beat Circus (10pm), and Incus (11pm)
at the Church of Boston, Boston, MA
Wednesday, July 28 ~ (doors at 8pm, 21+ show)
There’s a special evening going on at Church tomorrow night – Jaggery’s CD Release Party for their new album Upon A Penumbra. Their music is haunting and mesmerizing, and they’ll be joined two other fascinating bands with influences ranging from Southern gospel to Middle Eastern, Native American, African and Eastern European musical traditions, making for something quite different from your usual indie rock fare. Definitely worth catching.
I’ll make things easy for myself and quote from Jaggery’s press release:
‘Upon A Penumbra’ is Jaggery’s third recording. Mixed by Josh Hager (Devo, The Elevator Drops) and Scott Dakota (Sarah Rabdau, Walter Sickert & the Army of Broken Toys), the album’s title refers to an area of part shadow, part light, sometimes seen during a lunar eclipse or on a scan of the human brain. It includes diverse songscapes ~ brooding polemics, tribal invocations, dreamlike musings, and even a track with spoken word verses and a haunting, hip-hop influenced hook. The album is a perfect illustration of the band’s paradoxical variety of styles yet overarching, self-conformist genre.
Beat Circus
Beat Circus was formed in 2002 in Boston, Massachusetts by singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Brian Carpenter, who has been its only constant member since its inception. In 2005 Carpenter began a radical shift in direction resulting in the recording of Dreamland, the first part of Carpenter’s Weird American Gothic trilogy, with legendary NY producer Martin Bisi. In Summer 2007 Brian Carpenter debuted the third incarnation of Beat Circus with a new concept and sound to develop the second part of the trilogy, Boy From Black Mountain, personal songs about family and fatherhood in the tradition of Southern Gospel songwriters and Southern Gothic literature. Boy From Black Mountain was released in September 2009 on Cuneiform Records.
Incus, with special guest Ela Rogers
Drawing on influences from Middle Eastern, Native American, African and Eastern European musical traditions, Incus is redefining the American Tribal music movement. Chosen as “Band on the Verge” in Relix Magazine’s January 09 issue, Incus is a combination of glorious light and soul stirring dark. “Under the powerful vocals and drums that drive Incus’s music is a soul that is rare. If Incus is dark, then it is dark like the woods under a full moon: unexpectedly bright, full of brilliant stars, inviting, warm, natural and seductive.” — J. Bonni, The Weekly Dig.

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