Sun Boxes vacationing at the Vineyard.
Here’s something nice for your yoga or meditation hour: Sun Boxes, a solar-powered sound installation by Craig Colorusso. Peaceful, dreamy, and eco-friendly. What more could you ask for? Here’s the nuts & bolts of the operation, as described on his blog:
“Sun Boxes are an environment to enter and exit at will. It’s comprised of twenty speakers operating independently, each powered by the sun via solar panels. There is a different loop set to play a guitar note in each box continuously. These guitar notes collectively make a Bb chord. Because the loops are different in length, once the piece begins they continually overlap and the piece slowly evolves over time.”
The Sun Boxes will be “performing” at Artscape in Baltimore, Maryland July 15-17, and at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, Mass. on Saturday, August 6.
official site | youtube | WCAX.com interview
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