Savoir Adore, Oh Land (photo by Chris LaPutt)
Oh Land with Savoir Adore at Brighton Music Hall
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Doors at 8 PM; Show at 9 PM; 18+ show
Advance Tickets $15
If you’re in the mood for some atmospheric synth pop on Wednesday evening, head over to Brighton Music Hall for Oh Land and Savoir Adore. Oh Land, fronted by Scandinavian fairy tale princess Nanna Øland Fabricius, is a pleasantly fluffy concoction infused with the sensibilities of a formally trained ballet dancer raised by an opera-singing mother and church organist father. Dance beats and whimsy propel things along. Supporting Oh Land is the lush and dreamy Savoir Adore, from Brooklyn, New York. They’ll be releasing their second album next year, but in the meantime, their latest single is “Dreamers,” available from Neon Gold Records.
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