The Drowning Men, from their Hartford, CT show w/Airborne in 2011
Here’s some sweet music to commemorate a “family reunion” tonight — The Drowning Men are back in town, stopping off at Midway Cafe in Jamaica Plain, as part of their current tour. Supporting them tonight will be Cradle to the Grave, The Old Edison and Alen of Dale. I first fell in love with The Drowning Men when they toured with The Airborne Toxic Event a few years ago. Their music is difficult to describe, but I’ll give it a shot: wayward sailors adrift on a treacherous sea with a musical maelstrom that blends gypsy Americana, Eastern European melodies, eerie otherworldly sounds, rollicking sea shanties and ferocious rock ‘n’ roll, underpinned by Nato Bardeen’s heartfelt and pleading “man grasping wildly at a small life raft” vocals. All Of The Unknown was released last year. Check it out. And meanwhile, a beautiful acoustic performance of a particular favorite of mine, “I Am the Beggar Man.”
thank you “Lightning 100” for uploading this lovely tune.
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