In my general mania for Eastside Los Angeles musicians and bands over the past five or six years, it seems I’ve only given a passing reference to one of L.A.’s true luminaries, Mr. Aaron Embry. This was a huge oversight on my part, which I’ll try to make amends for, at least briefly. For now, a quick bio and news about his upcoming solo album and Kickstarter campaign. When the album is released, we’ll have a proper look and a review. Does that sound ok? Good.
Aaron has been huge on the L.A. music scene since the mid 1990s. He’s performed on guitar and keyboards for Elliott Smith (touring with him for the Figure 8 album) and toured with Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (2009-2012). In 2012, he opened some shows for Mumford and Sons to support his debut solo album, Tiny Prayers (which you can listen to below). He’s also an engineer and producer, and has worked with Avi Buffalo and Daniel Lanois.
Learn more about Aaron Embry on Kickstarter, read about his story, listen to some of his beautiful music and support this amazing musician!
web | facebook | kickstarter campaign | wikipedia
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