For some impossibly beautiful strings and stunning, soaring vocals, have a listen to Brooklyn band Emily Danger. They began in 2011 with music written by vocalist Emily Nicholas and drummer Ryan Nearhoff. Cameron Orr joined them on virtuoso violin. From conservatory backgrounds and originally immersed in folk rock, Emily Danger is now delving into some gorgeous dark orchestral rock ‘n’ roll cabaret. On their newly reworked song, “Easy Remix” (originally a folk ballad called “Easy”), they begin with minimalist percussion, plucked strings and a soft sensuous jazz vocal, which then slowly unfurls into soaring voice and that breathtaking violin in full flight. There’s also the shiver-inducing video that turns the hunter and prey fable on its head.
Their lyrical content addresses political, feminist and other social issues, and judging from their video for “Shed My Skin” (from their Paintings EP), this stuff ain’t for lightweights. Or as they say themselves, “we make pretty music about ugly things.” Nice.
“Easy Remix” is a single from their upcoming album Peace Arch, coming out later this year.
Upcoming Shows
Mar 20 Muchmore’s – Brooklyn, NY
Mar 21 The Legendary Dobbs – Philadelphia, PA
Mar 23 Rockwood Music Hall – New York, NY Tickets RSVP
Mar 28 Hat City Kitchen – Orange, NJ
Apr 04 Extreme Pizza – Wilmington, DE
Apr 16 The Way Station – Brooklyn, NY
Apr 18 The PIT – New York, NY
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