Hailing from Kingsland, New Zealand, Kerretta is described as “a thinking metaller’s rock band.” In listening to their strong new release Pirohia (out 9/5 on Midium Records), to think of them as just a metal band is a great disservice. To my ears, there is a strong prog rock foundation upon which everything is built. While I’m not a fan of comparing bands to other bands (as I believe that to be insulting and creatively limiting) those who enjoy the complex musical layers and textures of a band like King Crimson would do well to give Kerretta a listen.
Though they’re mostly instrumental, on the rare tracks with vocals, such as the Maori-inspired Kawea Tātou Ki Ngā Hiwi, the result is otherworldly and haunting. Even in the instrumental track “Sister, Come Home” there is a subtle traditional element mixed in. The combined effect of the sophisticated musicianship — moving effortlessly from full-on assault to more intricately woven melodies — and occasional infiltration of their rich cultural history is mesmerizing.
The core band is William Waters (bass), H. Walker (drums) and David Holmes (guitar). They formed in 2005, with their Antient EP released in 2008, Vilayer in 2009 and Saansilo in 2011. In addition to performing in Australasia, Kerretta has toured in North America and Europe, performing with Explosions In The Sky, The Breeders, Trail of Dead, God Is An Astronaut and others.
Their European tour begins September 11 at The Good Ship in London and includes Germany, the Netherlands, France and Switzerland, with an Australasia tour to follow in the Spring. No word on the U.S., but we’ll keep an eye out.
1. Ossein Trail
2. The Roar
3. Warnlands
4. His Streets Of Honey, Her Mouth Of Gold
5. Iron Hail
6. Kawea Tātou Ki Ngā Hiwi
7. Sister, Come Home
8. The Last Rivers
facebook | twitter | bandcamp | purchase pirohia: US (digital) | Europe (digital, CD, LP)
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