I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but this (very clever) video by Anglo-Spanish band Parlement for their single “Little Liar” (from their video Be Machinery, You Oughta Be In Pictures) seems like a not-so-gentle assessment of “blind love” from a bitter and jaded heart. It’s gritty both in style and in attitude.
“Come on out and tell our kids now they be brave
False illusions dancing on ones’ desolate grave
On the hillside lonely lambs stand all amazed
Mind one day they will be out for us with lion rage”
– Little Liar
Parlement has an edgy, noisy sound with garage and punk influences, though not without its tastefully melodic guitar licks and tightly-knit musical composition. Stylistically, they’ve been compared to The Charlatans, Stone Roses, Red Hot Chili Peppers and REM. The band features singer-songwriter Stefan Robert, drummer Carlos Arroniz, bassist Raü and lead guitarist Javi Bueno.
web | facebook | twitter | soundcloud | bandcamp | instagram | youtube
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