Have you ever wanted to thrash around a fancy mansion? If so, you’ll probably enjoy the video for ‘Catalyst,’ the featured track off the debut EP from Canadian punk band NO//LIARS. I’m not quite sure if their name implies an upstanding group of honest young lads or if it’s emphatic social commentary (which could understandly apply to the current state of the American political environment). Whichever it is, these guys let loose in a classy establishment replete with stained glass, works of art, tiffany lamps, marble fireplaces, wood paneling and what appears to be a turret.
And why not? These are classy guys. They’re Canadian, after all, and their head-banging, vocal cord shredding mayhem does incorporate some downright melodic moments and, dare I say it, actual soft harmonies and maybe even a bit of heartache. That’s because it’s a song about betrayal, and about ‘all the things that go through your head when you realize you’ve had the wool pulled over your eyes by someone you trusted.’ But don’t you dare call them emo.
This powerful video was directed by Mike Morash, and NO//LIARS features Morley Grass (vocals), Noah Edwards (vocals, guitar), Eric Paone (guitar), Jonathan Graves (bass) and Mike Battle (drums). You can download the NO//LIARS EP on iTunes or stream it on Spotify.
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