I’m still waiting for Rademacher to make it to the East Coast, but in the meantime, Malcolm Sosa and his girlfriend Kim Haden (formerly with Light FM and now with Yellow Alex) have a new band they’re calling College Kids. They’ve just released their first song, “The Big Fresno Fair”; a sweet, funny, wistful ode to their hometown, delightfully reminiscent of Malcolm’s songwriting in Rademacher which I’ve known and loved for some time now. The song also features Blake Jones on Theremin. Their recording project is being produced by Josiah Mazzaschi (Light FM) and Sam McConnell (Breakfast Records) at their studios in Eagle Rock, The Cave and The Manor. This excellent track promises big things ahead.
If you’re in Los Angeles Monday night (Oct 25), you can see their debut live performance at Spaceland (they’re on at midnight). Oh, and by the way, this just so happens to be the final night of the Radars To The Sky month-long residency, which also features South Pasadena band Torches in Trees. This residency has been presented by KROQ Locals Only show and prominent L.A. music blog Web In Front.
My god, that’s a whole lot of information. Check out this awesome new band! And go see them, if you’re lucky enough to live or be in the area…
[audio:http://www.bostonsurvivalguide.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/02-The-Big-Fresno-Fair.mp3|titles=The Big Fresno Fair (mp3)]
The Big Fresno Fair (mp3)

How funny I should stumble upon your page today and see you pushing a show in MY neighborhood! I’m an East coaster transplanted to the East Side of LA and consider myself quite lucky to enjoy all the residencies at Spaceland, The Echo, The Silverlake Lounge, etc.
I’ve been meaning to see Radars but have been too busy the past month, thanks for the reminder!
I’ll check them out for you and let you know what’s up.
ohhhh, you lucky bastard. if only there were transporters, I get off work at 11 (8pm in L.A.); plenty of time to grab a taco and get to Spaceland. damn you, slow-moving technological advancement! yes, definitely do check them out and let me know if they’re any good. [ha, i’m sure they’re bound to be awesome. how can they not be?]