Bob Dylan and his band
House of Blues, Boston
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Doors: 07:00 PM; Show: 08:00 PM
$56.25 – GA Standing Room | $76.25 – Reserved Seating
Ages: all | buy tickets
There’s this promising ‘up-and-coming’ singer-songwriter from Duluth, Minnesota, going by the name of Bob Dylan, who has been composing some pretty good songs and performing around locally for a few years. He accompanies himself primarily on guitar and harmonica, and dabbles in a variety of styles, from folk to blues, gospel, country, alt-country and rock, with a curiously grating vocal style that I actually find quite endearing. His songs have a special poignancy (and some of them are quite long), but it’s unknown if he can appeal to a larger audience. Nevertheless, it’s a gamble he’s willing to take, as he’ll be playing with his band at the 2400 capacity House of Blues on Sunday night.
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