On the cover of their brand new CD, Steam Ship Killers, there is a portrait of a multi-tentacled sea creature, ominous and threatening. But the curiously inviting keyholes at its base suggest that if one has the necessary fortitude, one might unlock its secrets. The same could be said of its protectors, Walter Sickert & The Army Of Broken Toys. A ‘Toys’ virgin might well be confounded and overwhelmed at first – what to make of this motley gathering? Marionette and puppetmaster, musicians and dancers, a bawdy and boisterous mistress, the uke player with the filthy mouth… At the center, the master of ceremonies himself, Walter Sickert, who, on this special night, took us on a shamanistic journey. It was an inspired extravaganza. It was also my opportunity to finally see Jaggery, and they were every bit as marvelous as I thought they would be. With their orchestral gothic brilliance, Singer Mali’s ethereal and acerbic vocals, and a dark, extra menacing rendition of “O Scorpio”… what’s not to love?
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Three bands featured this week who are performing on two consecutive nights at the cozy Cafe 939. This is a really nice coffee house and performance space down the street from the Berklee School Of Music (and run by its students). First up is Hanna and the Bloodlines on Thursday night, featuring jazzy pop vocals from Hannah Sumner. The following night is going to be quite an extravaganza – it’s Walter Sickert & The Army of Broken Toys‘ CD release party for SteamShipKillers, and they’ll be joined by their good friends, Jaggery.
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