“Little yellow fish are happy it’s not so tough / would everything you wish you had be good enough?” – Deep Sea Divers
Supporting him will be dreamy psych-pop Lucky Number label mates Caged Animals.
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“Little yellow fish are happy it’s not so tough / would everything you wish you had be good enough?” – Deep Sea Divers
Supporting him will be dreamy psych-pop Lucky Number label mates Caged Animals.
share this:White Sea, Wax Fang, Darwin Deez, Glass Vaults, Mutual Benefit, and Christopher Paul Stelling (photograph by Clarence K. Photography)
High time for another band roundup. We have the latest project from Morgan Kibbyh of M83, White Sea, whom I heard were fantastic at (the club formerly known as) Spaceland in Los Angeles Saturday night. Hope they come to Boston soon. There’s an amazing guitarist/singer-songwriter by the name of Christopher Paul Stelling, some dreamy New Zealand soundscapes from Glass Vaults, and prepared piano à la John Cage from Düsseldorf-based Hauschka. Prog rock and psychedelia from Louisville’s Wax Fang, the quirky pop of the oddly-named Mutual Benefit, and bizarre (but rather sweet) showman Darwin Deez. And oh yes, while we’re on the subject of strange band names, Boston’s own WhiteShoeBrownShoe.
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