Here’s something rather happy and bouncy for you. Yeah, I know, not typically my style, but it’s catchy stuff. Calan Mai a.k.a. Australian singer-songwriter Jordan Lawrence, focuses on introspective/retrospective lyrics and upbeat melodies. Some of his influences are Conor Oberst, Bob Dylan, Sam Beam, Justin Vernon and Adam Duritz. One thing about Calan/Jordan that endears me is that he sings honestly and with his charming Aussie accent, which sadly, not all artists would do. With his bursting positive vibes, I’m thinking he’d be a natural for the Life is good. festival.
His debut single is called We’ve Got Love, which comes from his debut five track EP “Days On The Rock Face,” due out in July. The song was produced and mixed by Adam Lyons. I don’t see a way to embed it, but click on that link and have a listen. There’s also a little teaser for the upcoming EP.
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