There’s no question that Liverpool quartet Go Fiasco have a definite Jim Morrison and The Doors thing going on. It’s not just in their sound, which is richly ornate, moody, intense and powerful, or the lusciously rich baritone of singer/guitarist Daniel Duggan. It’s also apparent in their considerable musical prowess and overall vibe. This is huge, absorbing, all-enveloping music that you (very happily) drown in.
Duggan is joined by guitarist Jamie Roberts, bassist Ben Murphy, drummer Liam Gardner and synth player Conor Jones. All share in vocal duties, but without question, it’s Duggan’s bluesy and sometimes barking howl that creates a special air of mystery which is heightened by their stunning majestic soundscape. It’s extremely difficult to believe that this extremely seasoned-sounding ensemble only released their debut single, “Heaven,” about a year ago, but that seems to be the case. “Meet My Mystery” followed, with the most recent back in July, “Master Crime.” We’ll definitely be paying close attention to see what these boys do next!
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