No, don’t worry, everything’s fine (so far as I know). I’m not typically turned on by bouncy electro-pop—just not a bouncy sort of girl, ya know? But Little Earthquake, from Australia, have a sound that’s so bright and yes, upbeat, that it’s difficult not to be drawn in. It’s based around brothers Mathew and Justin Hyland and as is the case with siblings, their voices work very well together. Add to that percolating synth lines, sharp percussive blasts and ah, youthful enthusiasm. The two toured across the U.S. with indie rock band Lydia and then returned home to create Little Earthquake just last year. Their forthcoming EP, Universal Mind, produced by Lacklan Mitchell (The Jezabels, Pnau), is due out in April. “Planets” is the first single, and it’s available as a free download.
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