A few sights of Boston's First Night: Johnny Blazes @ the Hynes, Judgement Day, the Bunny Collective, a parade!, bright & noisy fireworks on Boston Common, Somerville Symphony Orkestra.
Wow, what a busy and chaotic 2011, just one week in! While I’m swamped with new shows to list, bands to possibly profile, and a host of other things, I thought I’d show you what I did on New Year’s Eve, though it now seems like a distant memory… Only in Boston do First Night celebrations include parents with their children watching a parade, a man at Downtown Crossing advertising Judgment Day (May 21, in case you were wondering), impressive ice sculptures (melting in the unusually pleasant evening), little kids petting policemen’s horses, and a full-on protest for Palestinian rights. Such were the scenes in and around Boston Common, capped off by a wondrous and satisfyingly loud early fireworks display, and then an evening of awesome music.
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