Violent Femmes – The Royale, Boston – October 30, 2018
In a typical year, I would be writing my “10 Best Concerts” article around this time. But this year has been anything but typical. It wasn’t completely awful, as I learned a lot of important things about myself and made some key decisions. But as far as live music was concerned — not much. In fact, I only saw a total of six shows this entire year, although one was a festival where I managed to catch a half-dozen different acts. I got to see a few favorites whom I’d never had the pleasure of seeing before (and they were amazing), plus a year with a live Violent Femmes performance is infinitely better than a year without one.
Photos, when I have them, are by me. Video is by others, courtesy of YouTube (see individual credits).
Emmylou Harris / Ry Cooder at Tanglewood, Lenox, MA – July 1, 2018
::: See my write-up :::
by Manuel
Lowell Folk Festival, Lowell, MA – July 29, 2018
In the following order: Big Country Bluegrass, Kyle Huval & the Dixie Club Ramblers (briefly), Salar Nader & Mustafa Saeed (Afghan tabla and rubâb), Burnurwurbskek Singers & Dancers (Penobscot drummers and singers), Sidi Touré (Songhaï guitar music from Mali), a bit of Mariachi band and dancing in the street, plus Bernard Allison Group (blues, and a mean guitar).
by MoJoeVision
Rodney Crowell, Concord, NH – September 20, 2018
Violent Femmes at the Royale, Boston, MA – October 30, 2018
by Melvin O
Richard Thompson with Sisters of Slide at the Paradise, Boston, MA – November 14, 2018
by Amy Karibian
Willie Nile, City Winery, Boston, MA – December 29, 2018
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