screams, whispers and songs from planet earth

Tag: Places Erupt

Places Erupt Lampoon Online Trolling in “Bloggers”


Well now, this is timely. Canadian orchestral pop sextet Places Erupt have beautifully orchestrated their own eruption on their upcoming 45 EP. It’s scathing commentary on the times we find ourselves living in, with the accompaniment of deliciously evil gypsy violins. The first single, “Bloggers,” is an acerbic treatise about online trolling, the political divisions in our country and the ability to use the internet as a cloak of anonymity that allows one to freely breed hate and poison ordinary discourse, with no personal responsibility. And it is spot on.

“Bloggers” was filmed by Pedja Milosavljevic of Balkanada, a Toronto-based independent production house. I’m tempted to say that this video is hilarious (and it is), but it’s also incredibly sad.

In the video, our defiant protagonist, firmly in the purple and orange camp, is surrounded by co-workers and strangers on the street who are yellow and blue button wearers. Meek and well-mannered, he undergoes a frightening transformation once he sits down at his computer. He’s a man “who shies away from expressing his extreme political beliefs face to face with people, just to go home and rant at nauseam online — unhinged and uninhibited.” Know anyone like that? The over-the-top exaggeration is what makes it so amusing, but it really isn’t an exaggeration at all, is it? The video purposely doesn’t name a specific issue, but rather “a polarity of political opinions that exist between him and everyone else.”

On their new EP, Places Erupt have chosen to focus on current events and topical issues on their new release. As they explain,

Our forthcoming 45 EP both lashes out and laughs at the terrifying times in which we are currently living in. Its lyrical content covers everything from Tinder to tourists to trolling, returning time and again to the villain at the centre of our current collective nightmare — the 45th president of the United States of America.

The band will be celebrating the release of “Bloggers” on June 9 at Junction City Music Hall in Toronto, and they’ll also be performing on June 15 at the Church of St. John the Evangelist (Cinquefoil Series) in Hamilton, Ontario.

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Introducing… Place Erupt

There’s something about a cello that can make any music seem both sophisticated and somber. That’s certainly true for the song “Mayday,” a track from the debut album Breathe A Storm from Toronto ensemble Places Erupt, out August 20th. Previously known as The Benefit of the Free Man, this Canadian quintet is a classy outfit. With the strings and traditional classical/folk harmonies, at times they sound like something straight out of Renaissance. At other times, they really rock out, even dipping into prog rock and experimental terrain. The subject matter of the aforementioned song includes the following line in it — “Checking on the pulse/ Beat reporter/ Plastic tentacles / Reaching in.” It came about when Piazza was experiencing heart palpatations and had to wear a heart monitor for a few days to monitor his heart activity. Traditional instrumentation and modern concerns. However, the song is ultimately about how hard it is to shake things off and how difficult it can be to compartmentalize that which disturbs you. Amen to that.

Having listened to their amazing forthcoming album, I’ll call their music “fierce progressive rock/folk/classical.” They veer madly from hushed to hypnotic to hellfire fury, and often within the same song. It’s a unique sound that really gels.

The band comprises Anna Jarvis (cello), Greg O’Toole (guitar, vocals), Lee Piazza (vocals), Mike Legere (percussion) and Katie Wolsley (violin). For those in the Toronto area, Places Erupt will be hosting their album release party at Burdock Tavern in Toronto on August 20th.

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