screams, whispers and songs from planet earth

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Lost and Found (VII of XII)

A Los Angeles story of madness and awakening, in twelve parts

123Death at Los Globos, Silver Lake

123Death at Los Globos, Silver Lake

Part VII: Boardner’s in Hollywood to Los Globos in Silver Lake… and back again.

It was now Day 6 in my bleary haze of broken sleep and beautiful sights and sounds. Tuesday night — must be time for my personally-curated “Julie’s Eastside L.A. Welcoming Party” (or so it seemed). Former members of Death To Anders, Rademacher, Radars To The Sky and The Henry Clay People, all in new projects at two different clubs at opposite ends of town. It was also the night when I wondered why, despite all our technological advances, transporters haven’t yet been invented.

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The (Infamous) Eastside L.A. 2013 Midyear Round-up! (part III)

Rademacher, August 2012

It's a mystery what happened to Rademacher, but I hope they ride into L.A. magically around Echo Park Rising time this month for a 'sekrit show'

What started with a small and serene handful of indie bands has become a busy army of multicolored, many-tentacled octopi. Yes, it’s time for the third installment in my four-part Eastside L.A. midyear band round-up. If you’re wondering what Pisces (Sarah Negahdari), Pretty Flowers, Princeton, Radar Brothers, Radars to the Sky, Rademacher, Robert Francis, Sara Radle, Seasons, Sea Wolf and Shadow Shadow Shade have been up to, read on.

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The Infamous Eastside L.A. 2013 Roundup, part II

A few bands with new albums out this year: The Happy Hollows, The Airborne Toxic Event (Anna & Noah at Osheaga) and Radar Bros.

A few bands with new albums out this year: The Happy Hollows, The Airborne Toxic Event (Anna & Noah at Osheaga) and Radar Bros.

I hope you enjoyed part I of the Eastside L.A. 2013 Roundup. In part II, we pick up where we left off, with the lovely Miss Sarah Negahdari‘s side project, Pisces.

Same rules apply. If the last update was last summer and not a word since then, I’m going to call the band MIA and assumed gone or on extended hiatus, unless I hear otherwise. Confirmed as defunct: Shadow Shadow Shade and Walking Sleep.

We continue now with the rest of our roundup. Good night, and good luck. >>

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On The Outside, Looking In –The Story of Baby Hawk

As told by Rademacher

On the cusp of South by Southwest, excitement is building – stoked bands who’ve been awarded one of the coveted showcases, madly swirling PR campaigns, masses of fans and bloggers that descend on Austin, the parties, the mythical RSL Outlaw Roadshow

For a band to play SXSW, whether by official invitation or sheer determination to land a gig somewhere on the periphery, is considered a badge of honor. The days of being “discovered” by a label and given a big money record deal are long gone, but it’s still a great music festival and a place to make connections. Musicians back in their hometown watch the flurry of activity and make their own plans to “get there next year.”

And then there’s Rademacher. A wonderful little indie rock band from Fresno, California — within close enough tossing range of L.A.’s Eastside to be considered part of that scene. They just released the third installment of their ‘EP triology,’ Baby Hawk, which tells the tale of a struggling indie band on the verge of great things, though just a hair shy of arrival — a day late, a dollar short, if you will. It’s a DIY primer, their musical autobiography.

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Rademacher: Baby Hawk! New Album and Tour

photo by Stephen Gamboa

photo by Stephen Gamboa

Here’s some seriously great news which I’m finally getting around to posting. For all you Rademacher fans out there (and if not, why not?), the long-awaited follow-up to the 2007 release Stunts is just a few weeks away. Baby Hawk (Park I of III) is available for pre-order on bandcamp and will be released Tuesday, July 5th. The album will be available via itunes and emusic on July 12th. Have a listen to the complete song below, or go to their soundcloud page to listen to each instrument separately. Cool. For those uninitiated: poignant and raw, deceptively simple lyrics that cut to the bone, set against slick, interesting pop music (with more sophistication and sonic magic of late). Dive in.


“All the best songs / are love songs / I don’t think that you can argue / no, I don’t think you can argue that… convenient explanations for the way things are… who really cares? / who really knows? / who’s responsibility is this?”

They’ll also be on the road starting July 1, though for the time being, just in Cali. However… somewhat reliable sources tell me there are plans to come East in the fall. Hopefully this time they’ll make it past Chicago.

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College Kids and Rademacher demos! (such a tease)

old Rademacher press photo. maybe it'll embarrass them into getting a new one. maybe not.

old Rademacher press photo. maybe it'll embarrass them into getting a new one. maybe not.

UPDATE: (from press release) “Rademacher, will be playing several dates in Southern and Central California during the month of April and will return to the studio to record the follow up to their full length debut, STUNTS…. The new record, titled BABY HAWK, will be engineered by Josiah Mazzachi (of Los Angeles band Light FM) at his Eagle Rock, CA studio, The Cave. The band will be releasing Baby Hawk on their own label, Hot Mess Magic, in three parts, with material being released digitally in June, August and a final and physical release slated for December of 2011.”

Two yummy treats from College Kids and Rademacher. Finally getting around to posting these. Enjoy.

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College Kids New Demo: The 704

Catching up on some cool music. One of the coolest of all – a new demo from College Kids, the new musical collaboration of Rademacher‘s Malcolm Sosa and Kim Haden (of Yellow Alex), whom I first mentioned last October. Seriously, I want to see Mr. Sosa in some sort of incarnation here on the East Coast so badly, I’ll take anything – Rademacher, College Kids, or a Vaudeville revue passing through town.

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2010: The Eastside L.A. Year In Review

A few of those great bands: The Deadly Syndrome, Radars To The Sky, The Henry Clay People, and Shadow Shadow Shade (photo by Jason O'Dell)

A few of those great bands: The Deadly Syndrome, Radars To The Sky, The Henry Clay People, and Shadow Shadow Shade (photo by Jason O'Dell)

For those new to ‘musings’… Often referred to as the ‘Silverlake region’, the Eastside of Los Angeles seems to have a ridiculously disproportionate number of awesome bands that call the area home (or at least, that’s where they regularly play). In addition to Silverlake, this also includes the neighborhoods of Echo Park, Los Feliz, Eagle Rock, Atwater Village, Highland Park… These artists comprise many different styles and personalities, having one thing in common – they’re all really good! I happened upon these guys (and gals) after first listening to The Airborne Toxic Event on MySpace back in January 2008, and then deciding to check out their friends’ bands, friends of friends, etc. Very glad I did. Here’s a rundown of those bands that had albums (or EPs) out this year. Some are well-known and touring internationally now; others not (yet).

For those not new to ‘musings’… My last Eastside L.A. update was way back in February, and I announced all these cool things coming up. Then, well, this year happened. What can I say? I lost the plot. Here it is again.

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Malcolm Sosa & Kim Haden’s College Kids – new band, new song, & debut show at Spaceland!

Kim Haden + Malcolm Sosa = College Kids

Kim Haden + Malcolm Sosa = College Kids

I’m still waiting for Rademacher to make it to the East Coast, but in the meantime, Malcolm Sosa and his girlfriend Kim Haden (formerly with Light FM and now with Yellow Alex) have a new band they’re calling College Kids. They’ve just released their first song, “The Big Fresno Fair”; a sweet, funny, wistful ode to their hometown, delightfully reminiscent of Malcolm’s songwriting in Rademacher which I’ve known and loved for some time now. The song also features Blake Jones on Theremin. Their recording project is being produced by Josiah Mazzaschi (Light FM) and Sam McConnell (Breakfast Records) at their studios in Eagle Rock, The Cave and The Manor. This excellent track promises big things ahead.

If you’re in Los Angeles Monday night (Oct 25), you can see their debut live performance at Spaceland (they’re on at midnight). Oh, and by the way, this just so happens to be the final night of the Radars To The Sky month-long residency, which also features South Pasadena band Torches in Trees. This residency has been presented by KROQ Locals Only show and prominent L.A. music blog Web In Front.

My god, that’s a whole lot of information. Check out this awesome new band! And go see them, if you’re lucky enough to live or be in the area…

[audio:|titles=The Big Fresno Fair (mp3)]
The Big Fresno Fair (mp3)

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Eastside L.A. Update – February 12, 2010

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

There’s been lots of exciting stuff going on for my favorite Eastside L.A. bands, which I first profiled in my “Silverlake Roundup” – Part One and Part Two. I’ll be including those I have some info. for; if I’m leaving anything out (or got anything wrong), please let me know. Stay tuned for a batch of new bands from – or who regularly play at clubs – in this area (which, to be technically accurate, comprises Silverlake, Los Feliz, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, etc.). But for now, read on…

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