Looking for a gently rambling way to ease into your busy day? Or an invigorating back roads journey as a brief respite from city life? Have a listen to Portsmouth, New Hampshire poet, folk musician (and naturalist?) Slow Coyote, who has just released American Supertramp. This 20-track album traverses from quiet acoustic daydreams to a rambunctious woodlands journey (“Wolf Tracks”) to relationship angst (“You Never Call Me”) to a stunning contemplation on deception (“Gypsy Reggae”), and it’s pretty amazing how one man and one acoustic guitar can conjure so many textures and moods. His expressive guitar playing seems to fit each song’s subject matter like a sleek second skin. It gallops along for “Spanish Horseback Riding Song” and kicks up its heels for “Shaolin Shadowdance.”
This is troubadour storytelling at its finest. And if that isn’t enough, there is a stark and elegant spoken word piece tucked in there as well (“Frozen Ground”) and a mournful acapella piece (“Rat Rag”). The album is available as a “name your price” download on Bandcamp. Highly recommended.
Slow Coyote has also self-published two books, “Now I Am Gold” and “Black Gold,” that comprise memoir, prose and poetry. ::: BUY THEM ON AMAZON ::: (p.s. if you’re really poor, you can pick them up for free at Smashwords, but support the artist in any way you can!)
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