Amidst crackling bolts of lightening, swerving madly to avoid large lakes forming in the streets, I was careening down from the North Shore in a torrential downpour to see Switchfoot at the Paradise in Boston. I amusingly thought of biblical analogies, apocalyptic epic floods and such, but given the band’s Christian rock beginnings, as much as I appreciate a helping hand when facing down that scary first paragraph, that was just too easy.
This is not the sort of band I would normally trumpet praises for. It’s less the “Christian rock” bit that puts me off, but rather phrases like “mainstream major label success” and “certified double platinum – 2.6 million copies sold”. There are plenty of mainstream artists I enjoy listening to – U2.. Bob Dylan.. Bruce Springsteen.. Lifehouse, even. With those artists, though, I don’t feel the need to add my voice to the chorus, as it were. But after seeing Switchfoot’s breathtaking performance at the Paradise, I’m impressed with these guys on so many levels, I can’t help myself.
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