There’s been lots of exciting stuff going on for my favorite Eastside L.A. bands, which I first profiled in my “Silverlake Roundup” – Part One and Part Two. I’ll be including those I have some info. for; if I’m leaving anything out (or got anything wrong), please let me know. Stay tuned for a batch of new bands from – or who regularly play at clubs – in this area (which, to be technically accurate, comprises Silverlake, Los Feliz, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, etc.). But for now, read on…
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This is an addendum to my recent Silverlake Band Update. Yes, I do realize that most of these upcoming events are in California and this is a Boston blog. I figured I would get everyone really, really familiar with all these names so you’ll know who I’m talking about when they do come here. Meanwhile, perhaps it’ll serve as some kind of invocation.
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