photo by Daniel Garcia
Soulful tribal animal magic, anyone? Lila Rose, originally from Canada, now resides in Oakland, California, though you’d be forgiven if you thought she just stepped out of the Amazon rainforest. For her completely entrancing music, she combines delicate synthesizers, minimalist percussion, repetitive chant-singing and her otherworldly vocals into a musical prayer. Her latest album, WE.ANIMALS., was released last year (on OIM Records), and she just released the curiously childlike and triumphant “All The Beauty.”
“All the beauty that awaits
At the end of the struggle
It’s worth it it’s worth it
All the beauty that awaits
At the eye of the storm
Well it’s perfect I’m stronger now
– All The Beauty
The song, speaking as it does to the struggles and joys of life, is both fragile and triumphant. As she says in her interview on Yahoo! Music, she is both blessed and cursed with extreme sensitivity to sound, which gives her a special gift in her music creation, but which can also be very uncomfortable. As she says about her latest song, “All The Beauty”:
“For me, music is a kind of therapy — so the words came out as a way of reminding myself to hold on, to trust that good things were/are on their way. However, in order to get to the good stuff, sometimes you just need to let go, and be immersed in all the grief, sadness, and confusion a situation might provide. Sort of like a mantra, I would say to myself over and over again ‘the beauty is coming, the beauty is coming, the beauty is coming’ (repeat repeat repeat repeat) as a way of somehow giving the emotions a meaningful and important place in my life.”
“WE.ANIMALS. is a concept album about the interconnectedness of all life, including our Earth. It is a call to action, it is a plea, it is a lullaby, it is a love story between my heart and all creatures everywhere. Including you. ‘We’re animals lest we forget it.'”
Purchase “All The Beauty,” “WE.ANIMALS.” and Lila Rose’s other music via her Bandcamp and support this amazing artist!
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