Following are worthwhile causes that one can put one's energies to during these troubling times.
Climate Change in New England - New England Aquarium - New England has already started to feel the effects of global climate change. Snow cover is decreasing and spring arrives earlier. Scientists predict that we may be headed for a Boston climate much like that of Charlotte, North Carolina, or Atlanta, Georgia. Find out what is in store for Massachusetts and the other New England states — and what could happen to Boston. How could coastal flooding affect us? And what is the likelihood of extreme weather such as nor'easters and ice storms. Learn how our geography — with our vulnerable wetlands and coastal habitats — may determine our destiny.
Tufts' Office of Sustainability has a page of climate change links, including climate information, renewable energy resources, environmental and climate news, sustainability and more.
Greenyarn is a nanotechnology company that develops advanced materials for consumers seeking eco-friendly alternatives to conventional fabrics. Eco-fabric is a material that contains nano-particles of bamboo-charcoal, combining all natural cloth with the amazing properties of bamboo. Eco-fabric resists odor and germs, keeps cool and dry, and absorbs and emits far infra-red radiation. Their online store sells Eco-fabric socks, yoga socks, Greenfeet insoles, wristbands, and elbow guards. Greenyarn's global HQ is in Boston, Massachusetts.
United for Justice with Peace - "UJP is a regional Boston coalition of peace and justice groups which seeks global peace through social and economic justice." Regular updates of protests and vigils.
Massachusetts Audubon Society - Helping to preserve our natural environment and wildlife habitats. Definitely a worthy cause.
Massachusetts Public Interest Research Group (MASSPIRG) is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to serving as a watchdog for the state's citizens and environment.
Food Not Bombs serves healthy vegetarian meals to the city's homeless. See their site for times and places of meals served. They always need volunteers.
Amnesty International - Fighting for human rights worldwide. They have local chapters at Wheaton College, Harvard University, and MIT.
Nature Conservancy (Massachusetts Issues and Events) - Protecting our wilderness areas and fragile wildlife habitats through the purchase and preservation of these lands.
Greenpeace is one of the more famous environmental action groups, partially due to their occasional guerilla tactics. Whatever it takes. Visit them for more information about their exploits.
The Peace & Justice Event Hotline is an extremely useful resource for people interested in local meetings, protests, and other events dealing with important social issues. The telephone number is (617) 787-6809. You can also leave event listings.
The Prison Book Program has been supplying individuals and groups of prisoners with quality reading material since 1972. We believe that literacy and access to reading materials are crucial for the personal, spiritual and political development of all people. With 2 million people locked up in our nation's federal and state prisons and local jails, and with educational programming being drastically cut, the need for our services has never been greater. Education is the only tool proven to help prevent people from returning to prison again and again. (from their website)
Integrative Medicine Alliance (IMA) (from their website): Bringing together all the world's healing traditions. Founded in 1999, the Integrative Medicine Alliance is an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is raising the quality of healthcare in New England by bridging the gap between alternative and conventional medicine. Our mission is to bring about a vision of affordable and effective integrative healthcare for all. We provide a focal point for the growing integrative medical movement in New England. We invite givers and receivers of care to be a part of the IMA by becoming a member, taking part in our projects, and attending our events.
Nostradamus was a physician and astrologer (1503-1566) who made some eerily accurate and frightening predictions—many of which have already come to pass.
Center for Millennial Studies (Boston University) is a large repository of articles that examine philosphical, technical, sociological and religious aspects of the new Millennium.
The Matrix Institute (Gordon-Michael Scallion) - The man with the future maps. Predictions of earth changes, solar and geomagnetic forecasts, and more.