Boston Pagan Resources
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Paganism, in some cases referred to as Wicca, can mean many things to many people. My personal interpretation is that it's an earth-based religion, centered around seasonal changes and profound respect for all of nature's creatures. There is the Wiccan creed, "An ye harm none, do as thou wilt", and the Threefold Law which states "Any good deed returns itself thrice, as does any bad deed". In my opinion, this allows for a good deal of personal freedom in how you decide to celebrate your spirituality, so long as you don't try to impose it on others, or try to influence anyone in any way. At the risk of sounding like a New Age Refugee, everyone has their own path.

Wicca and Paganism in general are huge topics. If you care to learn more, you can find many books out there; I personally recommend Seven Stars Bookstore for a great selection. What follows are some helpful places and resources for those so inclined.

Pagan Supplies


Harvest Co-op A decent place for bulk herbs, they also sell candles, extracts, and some pagan publications (like "Green Egg"). (580 Massachusetts Avenue (Central Square). (617) 661-1580). Hours: Mon-Sun 7am-10pm. See their listing in the Food section.

Cambridge Naturals They have a great selection of bulk herbs, plant extracts, candles, mineral salts, herbal teas and other useful items. 23 White Street (Porter Square), Cambridge, MA (617) 492-4452. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; Sat 9am-7pm; Sun 9pm-8pm. See their listing in the Healing section for more info.


Ritual Arts This is a funky and fun little store which carries a wonderful assortment of pagan statues and wall sculptures, tapestries, jewelry, incense, oils, tarot cards, magic wands and candles. 153 Harvard Ave., Allston, MA (617) 787-4157. Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-7pm; Sat 11am-6pm; Sun 12-6pm. Read comments from their customers.

Seven Stars They have a large selection of crystals and healing stones, books on Wicca and Paganism, Tibetan bells, bowls, and sacred figurines. 731 Massachusetts Ave. (Central Square; across from the post office), Cambridge, MA (617) 547-1317. Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 12-6 pm. See their listing in the "Expand Your Mind" section.

Helpful Organizations and Resources

The EarthSpirit Community (from their website): "EarthSpirit is an organization dedicated to the preservation and development of Earth-centered spirituality, culture and community; we particularly focus on the indigenous traditions of pre-Christian Europe, known collectively as paganism, which have survived in varying degrees to the present day." They organize gatherings and seasonal circles open to the public, and produce publications, tapes, classes and workshops. They're currently located in Williamsburg, MA (413) 238-4240.

Witches' League for Public Awareness (from their web site): "The Witches' League for Public Awareness is a proactive educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft. The work of the League springs from a shared vision of a world free from all religious persecution." Not sure if this site is still being updated.

The Tremont Tearoom - Since 1936 (the nation's oldest new age salon!), the Original Tremont Tearoom has served Boston and its surrounding communities, providing tarot readings, psychic readings and spiritual healing, among many other services and products. Their physical location is: The Jewelers Building, At Downtown Crossing, 333 Washington Street, Suite 207B, Boston, MA.

Boston Pagan Central - Boston Pagan Central is "a community resource guide for all things Pagan, Wiccan, Witchcraft, Polytheist, Panentheist, Heathen, Druid, Goddess, Orisha, Shaman, Magical... in Boston, Massachusetts!"

Celtic & Norse Sites

The Sacred Fire — A Celebration of Ancient Celtic History and Lore
A web ring of sites dedicated to Celtic history.

Hurstwic: Viking History
Daily living, society, shipbuilding, literature, myths and religion.

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