After being totally frantic and on edge for weeks, I sit at the gate at LAX, waiting for the plane that will unbelievingly bring me to New Zealand, and I suddenly feel amazingly calm. Or maybe it's shock at finally going to a place I've dreamed of visiting for years.
A wonderful AirNZ flight from L.A. to Auckland. Just incredible, and the time passed a lot more quickly than I thought it would. This is really a first-rate airline, far better than any U.S. flight I'd ever been on. Not just because of the complimentary New Zealand wine and wonderful food (though that certainly helped), but also the service and friendliness in general. They take great care to make people comfortable on this long (12+ hours) trip. From the in-flight magazine that gives you little exercises you should do, to the blankets and pillows provided, to coming around every hour or so with pitchers of water. And the periodic video updates of the journey's progression. Truly a class act.
As the sun rose in the southern hemisphere, several of us huddled around windows at the back of the plane, admiring the beautiful sight.
Back in my seat and about to land, I was overcome with emotion, as the clouds cleared and the Auckland area came into view. Fortunately, the two girls seated with me (who were going over for a 6-month work exchange program) were equally moved, so I didn't feel like a blathering idiot.
We landed, and soon I was drifting dreamlike through the Auckland International Airport terminal. I do the silly tourist thing, having to stop to take photos of a "Welcome to New Zealand" sign and a wonderful Maori wood carved entranceway.
The flight from Auckland to Christchurch was also incredible. I had my nose pressed to the window watching in amazement as we passed over the Marlborough Sounds, then the Southern Alps and Canterbury Plains. The woman next to me, a Kiwi on a short business trip, watched me with curiosity as I "ooh!'d" and "aah!'d" throughout the entire trip. "I guess we often take all of this for granted," she explained.
flight from Auckland to Christchurch, over the Southern Alps